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[D] FortunaStake Setup Guide - Hot / Cold Wallet

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FortunaStake Setup Guide ...


This will take 500 confirms before being able to start, so do the send first, then read through the guide. Send exactly 5000 D to an address and give that address a label like FS01.

Script for VPS Portion Located Here
This will pull master branch and compile the latest wallet. And add a cronjob to restart wallet every hour to make sure things stay in sync.


QT Wallet
After sending 5000 D to a labelled address, we need the following; transaction hash and index of the 5000 send, fortunastake private key, and your VPS IP address.


Sample fortunastake.conf

FS01 6J8tAUsVhXBgfdeewqsdghySWEQEeb4XGSC251sM7bYQgEXh7 f08d926f92cc4c65321344828f6394f41121903502459ffde4ef7aef39e6392b 0

fortunastake private key

fortunastake genkey

fortunastake transaction hash and id

fortunastake outputs

VPS of your ip should be somewhat obvious.

After creating your fortunastake.conf, save and restart the QT wallet.

Sample QT denarius.conf


Now that address has locked the 5000 D collateral.

Get a VPS from somewhere like Vultr, make note of its IP address for the above fortunastake.conf creation for the QT wallet. On the VPS

Update Linux

sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y

Install Dependencies

sudo apt-get install -y git unzip build-essential libssl-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev libminiupnpc-dev libgmp-dev libevent-dev autogen automake  libtool

Install Fail2Ban

sudo apt install fail2ban

Create Swap File

sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

Install Firewall

sudo apt install ufw -y
ufw default allow outgoing
ufw default deny incoming
ufw allow ssh/tcp
ufw limit ssh/tcp
ufw allow 33369/tcp
ufw allow 9999/tcp
ufw logging on
ufw --force enable

Compile and Install Wallet (most likely need to add swapfile below). If using 18.04 use this link instead of the instructions below https://denariustalk.org/index.php?/topic/268-steps-to-compile-wallet-ubuntu/&do=findComment&comment=2815

git clone https://github.com/carsenk/denarius
cd denarius
git checkout master
cd src
make -f makefile.unix
strip denariusd
sudo mv ~/denarius/src/denariusd /usr/local/bin/denariusd


Install Chaindata

apt-get -y install unzip
mkdir ~/.denarius
cd ~/.denarius
rm -rf database txleveldb smsgDB
wget https://pos.watch/chaindata.zip
unzip chaindata.zip

Create denarius.conf in the .denarius folder. Notice the . in the folder name.



run denariusd by typing



Go back to your QT, go to debug console and type.

fortunastake start-alias FS01

In the My Denarius Fortuna Stakes tab in your QT collateral wallet, the QT will show Registered once you start your FortunaStake and then Verified, then Online, then Active. Wait 1 complete round for rewards. 1 round is roughly how many ForTunaStakes are up, and that's how many blocks a round will last.

Status Check

masternode status still works for specific reasons, but fortunastake status gives info in English instead of numbers and gibberish.

fortunastake status


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On 12/12/2018 at 10:45 AM, buzzkillb said:

Extra D Tip

If you are up for the task. On your vps, add staking=1 to denarius.conf, restart wallet, then

denariusd getnewaddress

Send a little amount so your VPS wallet is staking, even 1 D will do something over time.

This is awesome, thank you! Once a new wallet address is created on VPS for staking, how would you go about withdrawing/sending tokens from that address via VPS? 

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On 12/30/2018 at 12:40 PM, Jasonh said:

This is awesome, thank you! Once a new wallet address is created on VPS for staking, how would you go about withdrawing/sending tokens from that address via VPS? 

sendtoaddress <denariusaddress> <amount> [comment] [comment-to] [narration]

denariusd sendtoaddress YOURQTADDRESS 1.337


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I am using the snap daemon now as its so much easier than compiling or using the script

install snapd if its not already installed

sudo apt update
sudo apt install snapd
sudo snap install denarius

run the daemon once to get the autoconfigured denarius.conf


wait a minute or so and stop the daemon

denarius.daemon stop

go to the snap denarius chaindata folder

cd ~/snap/denarius/common/.denarius

remove the chaindata just created

rm -rf database txleveldb smsgDB

get latest chaindata from pos.watch

wget https://pos.watch/chaindata.zip
unzip chaindata.zip

overwrite anything it says, nano denarius.conf and add your fortunastakeprivkey and leave everything else alone. nothing else needs to be touched after enakyz did some updates to how the fortunastake works.

and start daemon


start from collateral wallet (QT) and done

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