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  1. First go to this script's github and read through the readme a few times. https://github.com/xavatar/yiimp_install_scrypt For a single coin pool, a $5 Vultr VPS Appears to work so far. This is 1 cpu, 1GB ram. Also grab a domain name from somewhere like namecheap with whois guard. You then want to create an A record that points the domain name to your VPS IP and let this propogate. This generally takes 1-2 hours. I use https://dnschecker.org/#A to check the DNS switched over. I setup the denarius daemon first to double check I can compile coins. Some cheaper VPS's will not allow swap drives to compile and even fake swap space doesn't work sometimes. A nice feature of Vultr is that you can upgrade and not lose your data. They still also allow free snapshots of your VPS. After you compile denariusd, start daemon. Note the RPC user and pass this randomly generates and copy and paste those somewhere. Edit the denarius.conf and add those and a couple other lines to start the daemon syncing. nano ~/.denarius/denarius.conf Add these lines. RPCUSERNAME=FROMABOVE RPCPASSWORD=FROMABOVE daemon=1 Restart denariusd and let that sync in the background and start the Yiimp script install. adduser pool adduser pool sudo su - pool sudo apt-get -y install git git clone https://github.com/xavatar/yiimp_install_scrypt.git cd yiimp_install_scrypt/ sudo bash install.sh Use this link for the timezone you will input into the beginning of the script http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php Keep everything as default. Yes you want to use letsencrypt so the domain is automatically setup for https. Also you need to grab your home IP so only that IP can login to the Yiimp control panel. Also need an email for alerts. Also you admin panel can be named anything which you get the option here. Example https://example.com/site/ICOULDNAMEMYADMINPANELTHIS. Inputting through the steps, sit back and watch the script go to work. This will take anywhere from 30min to over an hour depending on the VPS. After the initial setup is done, go to your new domain name and see the website is setup, but no coin is there to mine. At your panel click Wallets at the top of the menu bar and scroll down to see CREATE COIN. Fill in this Data thats underlined in red on the General Tab. Here is a direct link for a D logo. Which Yiimp automatically adds. https://i.imgur.com/jv3U2nF.png On the Settings tab checkmark similar things, and wait to add D addresses for once we are done setting up these tabs. On the Deamon tab fill in the underlined red. Click Save. Go back to that config screen by clicking COIN PROPERTIES. Go back to the Deamon tab and under sample config you want to copy and paste that entire area and paste into your denarius.conf file at ~/.denarius/denarius.conf At the VPS command line nano ~/.denarius/denarius.conf Change the last line blocknotify to this. Full denarius.conf example below. rpcuser=USERNAME rpcpassword=PASSWORD rpcport=32369 rpcthreads=8 rpcallowip= maxconnections=12 daemon=1 gen=0 alertnotify=echo %s | mail -s "Denarius alert!" [email protected] blocknotify=/var/stratum/blocknotify 1425 %s Open up your firewall for port 8533 for mining and also allow 33369 for denarius daemon port. sudo ufw allow 8533 33369 Now stop denariusd from syncing earlier and rerun. Some sample tutorials are running this with sudo. Not sure if this is required. denariusd Once that gets syncing again we need an address. I did it like this. denariusd getnewaddress denariusd getaccountaddress default And I used that default address in the Settings Tab -> Master Wallet and Daemon Tab -> Account Go back into the Yiimp control panel, click wallets again at the top right and then Select Server and choose 127.0.01 to get your list of coins you have added. Once the daemon is done syncing go back to admin panel to the Settings Tab and click Enable and Auto Ready. Change the stratum script before running which is in that yiimp folder you cloned in. nano screen-stratum.sh And change to #!/bin/bash STRATUM_DIR=/var/stratum screen -dmS tribus $STRATUM_DIR/run.sh tribus I would remove root login access and remove password login for VPS login accounts and only use SSH keys, as a starting point to start locking the VPS down. 2 Things I changed from the default install. Payout Frequency to every hour. /var/web/serverconfig.php define('YAAMP_PAYMENTS_FREQ', 1*60*60); And somewhere I saw this helped with payout issues. /var/web/yaamp/core/backend/payment.php line57 if($coin->symbol == 'BOD' || $coin->symbol == 'D' || $coin->symbol == 'DIME' || $coin->symbol == 'BTCRY' || !empty($coin->payout_max)) If you are looking to edit the website text, go to https://github.com/tpruvot/yiimp And search a small portion of the text you are looking to change, and this will show you the file to edit.
  2. FortunaStake Setup Guide ... This will take 500 confirms before being able to start, so do the send first, then read through the guide. Send exactly 5000 D to an address and give that address a label like FS01. Script for VPS Portion Located Here This will pull master branch and compile the latest wallet. And add a cronjob to restart wallet every hour to make sure things stay in sync. https://github.com/buzzkillb/d-fortunastake QT Wallet After sending 5000 D to a labelled address, we need the following; transaction hash and index of the 5000 send, fortunastake private key, and your VPS IP address. FS01 VPSIPADDRESS:9999 FORTUNASTAKEPRIVKEY TRANSACTIONHASH INDEXNUMBER Sample fortunastake.conf FS01 6J8tAUsVhXBgfdeewqsdghySWEQEeb4XGSC251sM7bYQgEXh7 f08d926f92cc4c65321344828f6394f41121903502459ffde4ef7aef39e6392b 0 fortunastake private key fortunastake genkey fortunastake transaction hash and id fortunastake outputs VPS of your ip should be somewhat obvious. After creating your fortunastake.conf, save and restart the QT wallet. Sample QT denarius.conf fsconflock=1 staking=1 Now that address has locked the 5000 D collateral. VPS Get a VPS from somewhere like Vultr, make note of its IP address for the above fortunastake.conf creation for the QT wallet. On the VPS Update Linux sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y Install Dependencies sudo apt-get install -y git unzip build-essential libssl-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev libminiupnpc-dev libgmp-dev libevent-dev autogen automake libtool Install Fail2Ban sudo apt install fail2ban Create Swap File sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile sudo chmod 600 /swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile sudo swapon /swapfile echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab Install Firewall sudo apt install ufw -y ufw default allow outgoing ufw default deny incoming ufw allow ssh/tcp ufw limit ssh/tcp ufw allow 33369/tcp ufw allow 9999/tcp ufw logging on ufw --force enable Compile and Install Wallet (most likely need to add swapfile below). If using 18.04 use this link instead of the instructions below https://denariustalk.org/index.php?/topic/268-steps-to-compile-wallet-ubuntu/&do=findComment&comment=2815 git clone https://github.com/carsenk/denarius cd denarius git checkout master cd src make -f makefile.unix strip denariusd sudo mv ~/denarius/src/denariusd /usr/local/bin/denariusd Install Chaindata apt-get -y install unzip mkdir ~/.denarius cd ~/.denarius rm -rf database txleveldb smsgDB wget https://pos.watch/chaindata.zip unzip chaindata.zip Create denarius.conf in the .denarius folder. Notice the . in the folder name. denarius.conf rpcuser=USEARANDOMNAME rpcpassword=USEARANDOMPASSWORD daemon=1 port=9999 fortunastakeprivkey=6J8tAUsVhXBgfdeewqsdghySWEQEeb4XGSC251sM7bYQgEXh7 run denariusd by typing denariusd Start Go back to your QT, go to debug console and type. fortunastake start-alias FS01 In the My Denarius Fortuna Stakes tab in your QT collateral wallet, the QT will show Registered once you start your FortunaStake and then Verified, then Online, then Active. Wait 1 complete round for rewards. 1 round is roughly how many ForTunaStakes are up, and that's how many blocks a round will last. Status Check masternode status still works for specific reasons, but fortunastake status gives info in English instead of numbers and gibberish. fortunastake status
  3. Official Denarius QT / daemon Snap is available at https://snapcraft.io/denarius To install sudo apt update sudo apt install snapd sudo snap install denarius To run QT denarius To run the daemon denarius.daemon chaindata stored in ~/snap/denarius/common/.denarius cd ~/snap/denarius/common/.denarius Sample daemon command denarius.daemon getinfo stop daemon denarius.daemon stop
  4. First create an account at https://www.unnamed.exchange/ Remember to use a strong unique password and enable 2FA. After validating your email, go to the Addresses list and then click Create Deposit Address In this example we are depositing Bitcoin. Type BTC to find Bitcoin and push enter, then click next to get your Bitcoin Deposit Address. Deposit Bitcoin into the exchange by either copy and pasting the BTC address, or use the QT code on something like coinomi with a camera. After clicking continue you will be brought back to the address list again. Wait for your confirmations after sending Bitcoin in and start buying up Denarius! Bitcoin takes 10 minutes per confirmation, and currently the exchange requires 2 confirmations for a deposit of Bitcoin. Denarius takes 30 seconds per confirmation, and currently the exchange requires 20 confirmation for a deposit of Denarius.
  5. How to build denarius cryptocurrency in snapcraft. I used Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic as the OS for this process, but the build is done in 16.04 Xenial. https://github.com/buzzkillb/d-snapcraft We are going to build in LXD, which I ended up using a combination of the below guides. https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/how-to-create-a-lxd-container-for-snap-development/4658 https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/build-on-lxd/4157 Install LXD from snap sudo snap install lxd initialize LXD (I used all the default settings) sudo lxd init Give permissions so we can run without root sudo usermod -a -G lxd ${USER} Bring the setting through newgrp lxd Building Manually in Xenial lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 mysnapcraft Bring your snapcraft.yaml in from your PC and bring into LDX lxc file push snap/snapcraft.yaml mysnapcraft/home/ubuntu/ Open up a shell and install snapcraft lxc exec mysnapcraft -- /bin/bash snap install snapcraft --classic Lets build our snapcraft.yaml cd /home/ubuntu snapcraft prime snapcraft You will get a file like this denarius_master_amd64.snap Bring the snap into your PC, open up another terminal and type below and stay on that terminal for the remaining. sudo lxc file pull mysnapcraft/home/ubuntu/denarius_master_amd64.snap denarius_master_amd64.snap Install the snap sudo snap install denarius_master_amd64.snap --dangerous Run denarius QT denarius Should be ready to mess around with this.
  6. Spent some time with the DNS seeders and there is very little info so I was playing with cloudflare and wondered if I could automate the DNS seeds somehow. I assume this works on any coins that has a peer list with minor tweaks. The basic idea is getpeerinfo from the daemon into a json file and then send line by line of that into an A record on your seeder domain name. I am hopeful some others will see this and have a better idea how to automate this by making it easier to setup and run on generic coin. https://github.com/buzzkillb/duct-tape-dns-seeder Make a cloudflare account and point your domain denarius.pro at the cloudflare nameservers from your domain host control panel. Now we can edit records on cloudflare and the changes are almost immediate. Cloudflare API Key is here, top right Icon -> My Profile -> View Global API Key #Install Python Cloudflare sudo apt install python-pip git clone https://github.com/cloudflare/python-cloudflare cd python-cloudflare ./setup.py build sudo ./setup.py install #Create a config file for your cloudflare API, change email and token (API KEY) mkdir ~/.cloudflare nano ~/.cloudflare/cloudflare.cfg [CloudFlare] email = <[email protected]> token = <API KEY> certtoken = v1.0-... extras = #test this works. change the ipv4 and denarius.pro to your stuff. dnsseed.denarius.pro is what my example will show. cli4 --post name="dnsseed" type="A" content="" /zones/:denarius.pro/dns_records now we want to store a couple text files somewhere. you choose this for now I will use /root/ #create seed.sh and edit denarius.pro to your domain name. still using dnsseed.denarius.pro for this example. #!/bin/sh grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}' "${1:?}" | while read IP do echo "$IP" cli4 --post name="dnsseed" type="A" content="$IP" /zones/:denarius.pro/dns_records done make this file executable chmod +x seed.sh now how to grab and put the ipv4's into the domain A records. denariusd daemon send peerinfo into a json file. then jq parses the json for the addr array and then we remove some junk and put that into peers.txt. From there the bash file uses regex to make the ipv4's pretty. denariusd getpeerinfo > peer.json jq '.[] | .addr' -r peer.json | sed 's/[][]//g' > peers.txt ./seed.sh peers.txt This can be updated as much as the cloudflare API limits gives. But how to remove A records and try to keep this list fresh? Lets make a delete file from python cloudflare examples. https://github.com/cloudflare/python-cloudflare/blob/master/examples/example_delete_zone_entry.py #create delete.py and chmod+x this, and then put this inside. #!/usr/bin/env python """Cloudflare API code - example""" from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import re import json import requests sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..')) import CloudFlare def main(): """Cloudflare API code - example""" try: zone_name = sys.argv[1] dns_name = sys.argv[2] except IndexError: exit('usage: example_delete_zone_entry.py zone dns_record') cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare() # grab the zone identifier try: params = {'name':zone_name} zones = cf.zones.get(params=params) except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e: exit('/zones %d %s - api call failed' % (e, e)) except Exception as e: exit('/zones.get - %s - api call failed' % (e)) if len(zones) == 0: exit('/zones.get - %s - zone not found' % (zone_name)) if len(zones) != 1: exit('/zones.get - %s - api call returned %d items' % (zone_name, len(zones))) zone = zones[0] zone_id = zone['id'] zone_name = zone['name'] print('ZONE:', zone_id, zone_name) try: params = {'name':dns_name + '.' + zone_name} dns_records = cf.zones.dns_records.get(zone_id, params=params) except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e: exit('/zones/dns_records %s - %d %s - api call failed' % (dns_name, e, e)) found = False for dns_record in dns_records: dns_record_id = dns_record['id'] dns_record_name = dns_record['name'] dns_record_type = dns_record['type'] dns_record_value = dns_record['content'] print('DNS RECORD:', dns_record_id, dns_record_name, dns_record_type, dns_record_value) try: dns_record = cf.zones.dns_records.delete(zone_id, dns_record_id) print('DELETED') except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e: exit('/zones.dns_records.delete %s - %d %s - api call failed' % (dns_name, e, e)) found = True if not found: print('RECORD NOT FOUND') exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main() to run the deleter, and it appears this only deletes 10-15 records at a time, so you might need to run this 5 times before sending a fresh list. This is only deleting records from dnsseed.denarius.pro. Nothing else on denarius.pro. Magical. ./delete.py denarius.pro dnsseed Right now I am trying to think how frequent to send new ip's and delete the list and start over. Once I get that down I will post a sample cronjob to use. Otherwise this should work with basically any bitcoin fork daemon, maybe minor tweaks. I also need a better regex to parse ipv6 so we can also make some on the fly AAAA records. Use the github as that shows the crontab for adding and deleting the A records
  7. I am using he.net free dns for the setup of nameservers. https://dns.he.net Get a domain like denarius.guide for our example. The dns seeder nameserver will be dnsseed.denarius.guide Go to your domain and point it to the given he.net servers so he.net is handling your records. Lets add the first part. This creates dnsseed.denarius.guide. 86400 IN NS seeder.denarius.guide. Now lets point seeder.denarius.guide to our vps ip. This creates seeder.denarius.guide. 86400 IN A Also can create an AAAA record because IPv6 is the future right? This creates seeder.denarius.guide. 86400 IN AAAA 2001:bc8:47a0:1933::1 On the vps side we need our dns seeder. Clone a seeder repo, get dependencies, and compile. This could vary depending on OS and VPS. git clone https://github.com/buzzkillb/d-seeder sudo apt-get install build-essential libboost-all-dev libssl-dev make -j2 Run the seeder for a while, and wait for the DNS to propagate. I also sudo apt install tor just because ./dnsseed -h dnsseed.denarius.guide -n seeder.denarius.guide -m buzz.denarius.io -o How to check if this is working. https://www.whatsmydns.net/#NS/dnsseed.denarius.guide
  8. How to compile Denarius (D) on macOS Mojave 10.14 By Carsen K First download Xcode from the App Store (v10.x) Install Xcode Command Line Tools via your Terminal: sudo xcode-select --install Accept Xcode License sudo xcodebuild -license Type agree after hitting space to get to the end -------------------------------------------------------- Download Qt 5.3.2 from: https://download.qt.io/archive/qt/5.3/5.3.2/qt-opensource-mac-x64-clang-5.3.2.dmg Install Qt and Qt Creator from this dmg (no need to install source files) Now in your default_pre.prf file inside your Qt 5.3.2 install change the following lines Example Location: Qt_install_folder/5.3.2/5.3/clang_64/mkspecs/features/mac/default_pre.prf REPLACE: isEmpty($$list($$system("/usr/bin/xcrun -find xcrun 2>/dev/null"))) WITH: isEmpty($$list($$system("/usr/bin/xcrun -find xcodebuild 2>/dev/null"))) Sometimes you just need to comment out line 16 the line below this (#error()) for Qt to recognize Xcode -------------------------------------------------------- Then download MacPorts from: https://www.macports.org/install.php Once installed run the following command in your Terminal to install all required Denarius dependancies. sudo port install boost db48 qrencode libevent miniupnpc openssl git Now you are almost ready to compile! -------------------------------------------------------- git clone https://github.com/carsenk/denarius cd denarius Now inside your denarius-qt.pro on line 14, replace the current QMAKE_CXXFLAGS with: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fpermissive -Wno-literal-suffix -stdlib=libc++ Run this command in your terminal session with the denarius folder open, replace your username with your username or the entire path below with your correct QT location. export PATH=$PATH:/Users/<yourname>/Qt5.3.2/5.3/clang_64/bin Run qmake --version which should return Qt 5.3.2 You can now compile Denarius with the usual commands qmake "USE_UPNP=1" "USE_QRCODE=1" denarius-qt.pro make -j4 After compiling you can create a .dmg installer by running this command in the denarius root (you must have Python 2.7 installed, can be installed via MacPorts) sudo python contrib/macdeploy/macdeployqtplus Denarius.app -dmg You have successfully compiled Denarius on macOS!
  9. Playing with using denariusd and tor in their own docker network. I am bypassing denariusd nativetor for some other reasons right now. denariusd:alpha is the test branch I am creating on docker hub using the latest denariusd wallet daemon. ~/.denarius/denarius.conf should be populated along with /etc/tor/torrc docker-compose.yml version: '3.2' services: tor: image: buzzkillb/tor:alpine container_name: tor networks: - tor_network volumes: - /etc/tor/torrc:/etc/tor/torrc restart: always denariusd: image: buzzkillb/denariusd:alpha container_name: denariusd volumes: - ~/.denarius:/data command: -debug=0 network_mode: service:tor depends_on: - tor restart: always networks: tor_network: external: true docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 48e24fa60efd buzzkillb/denariusd:alpha "denariusd --datadir…" 8 seconds ago Up 7 seconds denariusd 81119081a083 buzzkillb/tor:alpine "/bin/sh -c '/usr/bi…" 19 seconds ago Up 17 seconds 53/udp, 9050/tcp tor Connecting into the TOR nodes I have setup all over the place, something like this should appear in the denariusd logs. docker logs denariusd -f SetBestChain: new best=8499db50db63985aa0ad height=2235381 trust=14348364472433105438 blocktrust=1048577 date=08/03/19 15:48:36 SOCKS5 connected hrzdbqp4vjbohsvg.onion send version message: version 33500, blocks=2235381, us=tyfj5y64rlocawsb.onion:33369, them=hrzdbqp4vjbohsvg.onion:33369, peer=hrzdbqp4vjbohsvg.onion:33369 SetBestChain: new best=000000000019e5f675cb height=2235382 trust=14348373734367204915 blocktrust=9261934099477 date=08/03/19 15:48:44 SOCKS5 connecting 6nw6dekrzc2s5i2w.onion Once I get this working like I want, I will throw in a VPN connection.
  10. A guide on how to browse through github and find out more information on a cryptocurrency. I will be using Denarius Coin as an example since development is very active. First go to your favorite coins repository (repo). In this case Denarius is located on Carsen Klocks personal github. https://github.com/carsenk/ Once we go to the person or coins repo, we want to look for the main wallet. Generally the main wallet will be under a name of the coin. Most of the time the person's repo will also have coin at the homepage, as the homepage on github allows for 6 repos to be pinned. Under this picture I will show the other way to find this. The other way to find the coin's repo is by clicking Repositories. From here we can see a list of original code and forks the user has created. The last touched repo will be listed at the top of the repository list. You can also generally type in the name of the coin in the search bar at the top left corner. Examples below to get the feel for this. Now lets look at the main page of the Denarius repository. Because I have a github account, which I suggest creating, I like to click on watch and star, which once clicked will say Unwatch and Unstar. Think of this as getting the feed for updates, and also liking someones work. The other useful button is Fork. If you click the word Fork you will make an exact copy of the Repo and place this on your own account. If you click the number to the right you can see all of the people who have forked the particular repo. Two other important areas are below these buttons. You are looking for the latest commit which is on the right side, and a description which is on the left side. Another important area is the Branch dropdown box. Master is where you generally will start when browsing on your own. The master is typically the main stable branch to use and look through. When a developer is working on their code, they separate out into another branch as to not touch the stable code, and when that other branches code is done testing this gets merged back into the master branch. When multiple developers are working together, they could merge into a version branch, and when all of that is working, the entire kitchen sink of branches then gets merged into the master branch. Hint: most of the coding and commits take place outside of the master branch. Lets look for something useful, since I am a spec miner and like to solo mine a wallet. So how do we find the rpcport on those coins that ninja release and give no details? Lets try searching the term "rpcport". Denarius thankfully has a nice search to find things, some coins do not. But we can learn something useful anyways. Notice in src/bitcoin.cpp we get a hit for rpcpport? For a moment we can basically not read any code and know its 1 of 2 ports listed. You can then put into your solo miner the port, if that doesn't work you can change to the other number, until one of the ports works. Or you can just name the port in your coin.conf, but that's not what this guide is for. This guide is for searching out something in the repo, finding it and trying something new. Denarius is a fork of an early version of bitcoin, if you do this a few times you will remember generally what bitcoin fork files hold certain information to scan for. The next thing I look at is the README.md file. The file automatically posts the text and images from this file, or you can click the README.md file itself. Either way is going to work. We are looking for specs of the coins and any other information that might be useful. Maybe we want to compile the coin? A lot of the time the how to compile is somewhere here. We will get into this in more detail later after doing some more searching through the repo. Because there is a thing about active development on a cryptocurrency. Lets look at who contributes outside of the coin name itself or the main repo owner. Click Insights at the top of the page. The Insights page can give us a ton of information for activity, along with frequency of commits, contributors and how all the code ties back together. Lets look at Contributors. This would be useful as when this article was written, Litecoin was being called out for no activity. Most cryptocurrencies have more than one person writing the code and contributing. In this case we can see that @enkayz has a lot of code himself with ++ and --. What we can see here is that @Carsen is not the only contributor to Denarius. What happens here is that many people contribute into a version of a branch, and then that all gets merged together into a master branch after testing. Was Litecoin active or not? Is Satoshi Lite the only contributor to LTC? Maybe you can go to the Litecoin github and use this guide as a hint book and come to your own conclusion on what's really going on in this space. Lets check out if Enkayz contributed anything useful. Click commits under his name to go to his work on the project. We can quickly scan the list of commits to see basic descriptions on what was done. Lets look at his last commit. The left side is the old code, and the right side is the new code. Red is code removed, and Green is code added. What some coins do to get more commits on cryptomiso is they delete a space and add a space, daily, so the commit count goes up. Randomly putting nonsense into a cryptocurrency is questionable, so try looking through commits to see if more than just spacing of characters is being changed. https://github.com/carsenk/denarius/commit/d2892124d997c1e15f87a2bdf2dfeff63f1f31fe
  11. Basic setup to building your own custom Raspbian Image from the offician pi-gen repo using you Denarius daemon wallet as the example. I like that someone can build completely from source and compile the entire OS on their own for their precious crypto. https://github.com/buzzkillb/denariianpi-gen Go to https://github.com/RPi-Distro/pi-gen. Read this a few times how it works. I am using Windows 10, so I downloaded VirtualBox and created an Ubuntu 16.04 VM with 2 cpu's, 100GB hard drive, and 3GB of ram. git clone https://github.com/RPi-Distro/pi-gen You want to build the stock image to make sure this works from the get go. nano config Put this one line in for your image name, ex. testimage IMG_NAME='testimage' Once this is done building you can find the image in the work folder with a date and name of image. The image is in /pi-gen/work/date-imagename/export-image For the first run I wanted to build only the lite command line Raspbian with denariusd daemon. This is found in stage2 directory. I made a new directory called 04-denariusd. And put the files required in there. cd ~/pi-gen/stage2 mkdir 04-denariusd cd 04-denariusd nano 00-packages dependencies to compile denariusd and openssl 1.0.1j git unzip libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev libminiupnpc-dev libevent-dev autogen automake libtool Next create a file to compile openssl 1.0.1j and denariusd. nano 04-run.sh #!/bin/bash -e on_chroot << EOF apt-get install make wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.1j.tar.gz tar -xzvf openssl-1.0.1j.tar.gz cd openssl-1.0.1j ./config make depend make # make test make install sudo ln -sf /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl `which openssl` git clone https://github.com/carsenk/denarius cd denarius git checkout v3.4 git pull cd src OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/ssl/include OPENSSL_LIB_PATH=/usr/local/ssl/lib make -f makefile.arm strip denariusd cp denariusd /usr/local/bin/denariusd EOF chmod +x 04-run.sh Now the basic setup is done. Go back to ~/pi-gen, run some commands to skip stages after stage2 and run the build command. # Example for building denariian lite system touch ./stage3/SKIP ./stage4/SKIP ./stage5/SKIP touch ./stage4/SKIP_IMAGES ./stage5/SKIP_IMAGES sudo ./build.sh Grab your image from /pi-gen/work/date-imagename/export-image, etch to microsd card and go tinker away with your raspberry pi. tip: this is a really easy way to cross compile for your raspberry pi. This uses qemu so you get 1 cpu and minimal ram, but outside of compiling everything else is maxing out the VM.
  12. Go to grinmint -> payouts tab and Request Email Payout https://www.grinmint.com Download the attachment that it sends to your email address. Login to Tradeogre, go to Grin Deposit and upload that attachment. https://tradeogre.com/account/deposit/GRIN Download the response file. Now upload that response file back to grinmint by hitting Finalize Transaction. Grin will show up in your TradeOgre account. Now damp eet!
  13. https://egem.io/ https://myegemwallet.com/ Pool List Dev Pool (US): https://pool.egem.io/ Minerpool.net (US/EU/ASIA): http://egem.minerpool.net/ Reverse Gainz: http://egem.reversegainz.info/ Protonmine: http://egem.protonmine.io/ Coins.Farm: https://coins.farm/pools/egem Panda Mine (CN): Cryptobitpool (EU): http://egem.cryptobitpool.eu/ Uncle Pool (HK): http://www.unclepool.com/ http://egem-us.k2mining.net/ claymore dualmine EGEM/XSH (ETH/BLAKE2s) https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1433925.0 https://shieldx.sh/ Nvidia EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool stratum+tcp://pool.egem.io:8008 -ewal 0xff40c0f48efd68010d754cb3fc0b6d22f918f8d6 -epsw x -allpools 1 -allcoins 1 -gser 2 -eworker LOVEGEM -dpool stratum+tcp://s.antminepool.com:5766 -dwal STKcaQS8MVBs1C457k89pCvverLvH58a1w -dcoin blake2s -dpsw c=XSH -r 1 -dcri 50 AMD setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 EthDcrMiner64.exe -wd 1 -r 1 -epool stratum+tcp://pool.egem.io:8008 -ewal 0xff40c0f48efd68010d754cb3fc0b6d22f918f8d6 -esm 0 -epsw x -allpools 1 -mport -3333 -asm 1 -mode 1 ethminer https://github.com/ethereum-mining/ethminer/releases ethminer -U -F http://pool.egem.io:8888/0xff40c0f48efd68010d754cb3fc0b6d22f918f8d6/LOVEGEM phoenixminer https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2647654.0 PhoenixMiner.exe -pool pool.egem.io:8008 -wal 0xff40c0f48efd68010d754cb3fc0b6d22f918f8d6 -worker LOVEGEM
  14. The new Denarius video is now available by BlocStart! https://twitter.com/denariuscoin/status/936127510365872128
  15. Denarii the $DNR Tip Bot is now available on Twitter! Tweet @denariibot on Twitter https://twitter.com/denariibot
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